Being that I am a 7th grade
teacher I thought that reading Seventh Graders and Sexism by Lisa
Espinosa would be a fitting idea. As I was reading, I was realizing that her struggles
with her students are the same that I experience daily. The idea that not only
do they struggle with gender roles here in the United States but the gender
roles that they experience within their own cultures are sometimes far
different. Boys everywhere are expected to grow up and be heads of households,
be the moneymakers, and in some cultures they are the only “educated ones”.
Girls on the other hand are taught to cook, clean, take care of the home and in
some cultures they are to obey the man in their life (either a father or
husband). While reading her article I felt that she and I are at a complete
disadvantage. How are we supposed to teach them about sexism and about gender equality
when their cultures are telling them otherwise?
One piece that struck home with me was when
she discussed about why 7th graders should learn about sexism. I
have been teaching 10 years, and I have experienced many situations that were
good and some were horrendous. This year I had 2 girls accuse 2 boys of inappropriately
touching them. Sadly both cases turned out that the girl was lying and each
incident had its own story. However, Lisa Espinosa also experienced this and it
made me fell like I wasn’t doing wrong by my kids, that someone else was
“feeling it too”.
After hearing Tina talk about her lesson
and reading this article I have begun the framework to incorporating the topic
of gender and sexism in my curriculum. I
plan on finding children’s books, articles and a novel (hopefully) to help
drive the topic home. I will then have them do some type of persuasive piece. I
know that this topic may ruffle some feathers, but it’s like the giant elephant
in the room that no one wants to address. I’m grateful that I have the freedom
to teach topics that will impact the students at Woonsocket Middle.
Alicia, if more teachers stepped out of their comfort zones and began to teach about this topic the world might be a little bit of a better place. It is at the age your students are at now that their views on sexism still can be changed. The only way to know is to be taught so I think you are doing something great by including it in your curriculum. You're right, it may ruffle some feathers, but at least you're making a change!